
domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

sweedish free organization vittra

A Swedish Free School Organization Vittra não acredita em classes. Isso mesmo que você pensou: não há paredes internas no edifício escolar.
O princípio pedagógico da escola baseia-se em grupos de estudo: ’the wateringhole’, ’the show-off’, ’the cave’, ’the campfire’ e ’the laboratory’, ou seja, diferentes módulos de ensino e aprendizagem para diferentes ocasiões.

The Swedish Free School Organization Vittra operates by the philosophy that there are no classes or classrooms. That's right, this means that the school house has no interior walls – instead, the students are taught in groups according to level based on the school’s pedagogical principles of ’the wateringhole’, ’the show-off’, ’the cave’, ’the campfire’ and ’the laboratory’ – didactic approaches that create different types of learning and teaching situations.

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