
terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012

quantity has a quality in itself

Douglas Young, designer, empresário, arquiteto e fundador da marca Goods of Desire (G.O.D.) em Hong Kong criou uma instalação com pistolas de água de  intitulada "Quantity has a quality in itself". Young recorda, através da utilização de pistolas de água de plástico, o tempo em que esta área era a zona de maior produção industrial desse material no mundo.A instalação foi exibida durante a Hong Kong international art fair de 2012.

Douglas Young, designer, entrepreneur, trained architect and the founder of Hong Kong-based brand Goods of Desire (G.O.D.) has developed a plastic water pistol installation entitled 'Quantity has a quality in itself'. Young recalls, through the use of plastic water pistols, the time in which this area was the top production zone for this materials industry in the world.
The installation was exhibited during the Hong Kong international art fair 2012.


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