linens by Mimoo
linens by Mimoo
crib by Ameise Design
Minui hand sitt chair
silver jewelry by Ateliê Cristina Nicotera
Mas eu me diverti muito na Kiddo. Primeiro porque conheci em pessoa a editora da revista Kids In, Cynthia. Batemos um papão entre uma venda e outra. Conheci algumas marcas que nem desconfiava que existia e me surpreendi com a qualidade das coisas. Para a primeira vez que ele aconteceu, o evento estava bem organizado. Já estou doida para ir no próximo!
I had soooo much fun at Kiddo's trade show. I met with the editor in chief of Kids In magazine, Cynthia, we had a nice talk. I came across some brands that I had no idea they existed, and I was surprised with the quality of things. For a first edition, this was a surprising good event. I can't hardly wait for the next one.
I had soooo much fun at Kiddo's trade show. I met with the editor in chief of Kids In magazine, Cynthia, we had a nice talk. I came across some brands that I had no idea they existed, and I was surprised with the quality of things. For a first edition, this was a surprising good event. I can't hardly wait for the next one.
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