Se existem duas coisas no mundo que entretem crianças por horas a fio, essas duas coisas são: caixa de papelão e areia.
Sobre a primeira, não foi à toa que já foi catalogada e assumida como brinquedo. A areia, por outro lado, fascina crias em sua tenra idade, antes mesmo de aprender a andar. Não tem nada mais gostoso do que afofar na mão um bom punhado de grãos e colocá-los, de uma só vez, na boca. Acontece de tudo quando se junta crianças de todas as idades, até as de terceira (idade) e areia. Vem aqui para saber o que já passou pela minha cachola.
Nessas férias eu trouxe um livro para a praia para ler. O tempo virou, o mar ressacou. O livro ali, me olhando. E eu olhando para ele e trabalhando duro como centro de diversões infantil. Quando a imaginação esgotou, enfiei Fofoquinha e Matraca-Trica no carro e para a praia fomos, roupas de banho, lanchinho, agasalhos e baldinhos. O tal do livro debaixo do braço na esperança de ser aberto. Só na esperança.
Já que não dava para entrar na água e havia feito o depósito mensal no fundo terapia para os dois, resolvi dar mais munição para o profissional que os irá atender no futuro.
Pés na areia, Fofoquinha e Matraca-Trica enlouquecidos para entrar no mar e furiosos por não poder, achei que era hora de uma distração. Inventei um concurso: quem conseguisse cavar um buraco até a China seria o vencendor.
Três horas de exercício em vão que não leva a nada depois, eles cavaram um buraco que ia até os respectivos umbigos. Que tipo de mãe faz isso com os filhos?
Aquela que, em compensação, conseguiu ler quatro páginas in-tei-ri-nhas antes da primeira interrupção. Esse tipo de mãe.
If there are two things in life that can entertain kids for hours and hours, these things are: cardboard boxes and sand. The first one is catalogued as toy already. Sand, on the other hand, fascinates kids of all ages and babies. Even before they turn into toddles, they love to feel the texture of it, then grab a handfull and put in their mouths. Oh joy.
It's winter vacation in Brazil. This means we still go to the beach on some points of the country, like Rio de Janeiro, where we were. This vacation I brought a book to try to read (wishful thinking never dies). It's not always that you can go to refresh yourself on the shore, sometimes the ocean is closed for business and Mamãe here has to act as a entertainment center for the cubs. At some point of the day I exhausted all the play possibilities, got everybody into the car and to the beach we went, swimming suits on, snacks, shovel and buckets, a sweater just in case and my book.
Getting into the water was out of the question, so I've decided to torture my kids: the first one to dig a hole in the sand to get to China would be the winner. Three hours of pointless exercise later, they dig a hole deep enough up to their belly buttons. What kind of mom does that to their kids?
With that I read four uninterrupted precious pages of her book before the kid's first cry out for whatever they wanted at the time. That's the kind of mom.
If there are two things in life that can entertain kids for hours and hours, these things are: cardboard boxes and sand. The first one is catalogued as toy already. Sand, on the other hand, fascinates kids of all ages and babies. Even before they turn into toddles, they love to feel the texture of it, then grab a handfull and put in their mouths. Oh joy.
It's winter vacation in Brazil. This means we still go to the beach on some points of the country, like Rio de Janeiro, where we were. This vacation I brought a book to try to read (wishful thinking never dies). It's not always that you can go to refresh yourself on the shore, sometimes the ocean is closed for business and Mamãe here has to act as a entertainment center for the cubs. At some point of the day I exhausted all the play possibilities, got everybody into the car and to the beach we went, swimming suits on, snacks, shovel and buckets, a sweater just in case and my book.
Getting into the water was out of the question, so I've decided to torture my kids: the first one to dig a hole in the sand to get to China would be the winner. Three hours of pointless exercise later, they dig a hole deep enough up to their belly buttons. What kind of mom does that to their kids?
With that I read four uninterrupted precious pages of her book before the kid's first cry out for whatever they wanted at the time. That's the kind of mom.